iBook G3 Clamshell Logic Board Scans

I wanted an easier way to reference my iBook G3 Clamshell’s logic board without taking it apart, so I made these high-resolution scans. These photos are composites of several images —the oversized logic board would not fit on my scanner’s bed. The bottom scans of the logic board are much sharper than the top; this is due to my scanner’s limited depth of field. (There are many protruding components on the top of the logic board acting as spacers.) Regardless, these scans are significantly clearer than anything else I was able to find on the internet. Hopefully, you will find them as useful as I have! Enjoy tinkering with your iBook!

Please note: I overclocked this logic board and replaced its PRAM capacitor. In all other respects, it is a stock logic board from a Blueberry G3 (without FireWire —at least for now 😀.)

I compressed the original 1600DPI scans so that I could host them here. The original tiff files were close to 2GB and more than 240 megapixels each!

EDIT: August 9th 2024

I added scans of an iBook G3 Clamshell with Firewire. The same depth of field limitations apply from earlier. Also note that there is a small gouge on the bottom of this logic board left by the previous owner. Use the buttons to download higher-resolution JPEGs of these scans.


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